Autonomous and Connected Systems (ACS) Purdue Engineering Initiative

Filed in by on October 26, 2023 • views: 96

2023-10-26 22:31:17

Autonomous and Connected Systems (ACS) is a Purdue Engineering initiative that creates a community of scholars to advance the science and engineering of #autonomy, #robotics and the Internet of Things (#IoT).

ACS interdisciplinary teams of researchers explore innovative research ideas in these areas and promote technology transfer with IP, educational and outreach activities. ACS members integrate their research into educational programs at the K-12, undergraduate and graduate levels where students gain classroom, real world and international experiences, as well as access to expert mentors. ACS faculty partner with external academic partners, corporations and international organizations to promote and advance the current state-of-the-art in autonomy, robotics and IoT engineering and Escience. For more information:


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