MSRAL hosts the Northview Middle School Robotics Club

Filed in by on October 19, 2017 • views: 630

2017-10-19 22:46:36
The MSRAL hosted and coordinated robotics labs tours for members of the Northview Middle School Robotics Club at Purdue on October 19, 2017.  The students toured MSRAL’s facilities at the Ray W. Herrick Labs Building to see the lab’s latest work in the area of mobile ground robots and drones.  The students interacted with an autonomous ground robot that was programmed to follow them at a certain distance.  They also a had blast in controlling another robot with hand gestures. “The kids had a great time, and my daughter couldn’t stop talking about controlling a robot with her hand,” said parent and Northview teacher Jeff Maze. At their stop at MSRAL@Spira, the kids learned about the labs microrobotics work and were able to remotely robots less than 1 mm in size using a joystick. Thanks to all the MSRAL members who contributed to making this event a success. “The trip today was amazing and far exceeded our expectations,” Maze concluded. “It will be a trip not soon forgotten by the middle schoolers you impacted today.”