Professor Cappelleri Selected for National Academy of Engineering Symposium

Filed in by on November 7, 2011 • views: 459

2011-11-07 06:22:00
Professor David J. Cappelleri has recently been selected for the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) 2011 Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) Symposium, held this year in Irvine, California on November 13-16. Dr. Cappelleri is one of 65 young engineering educators participating in this NAE initiative to encourage cutting edge engineering curricula in the United States and cultivate future leaders in the field. Coming from dozens of leading private and public institutions of higher learning, FOEE 2011 attendees will share their ideas and explore innovative methods that enhance the engineering teaching and learning environment. Participants were nominated by fellow engineers or deans and chosen from a highly selective pool of applicants. More info…